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Want To Learn How To Do It Yourself?​


I'd be lying if I said it was easy. But it can definitely be taught.


We offer classes to help you learn how to apply your own make up. You can ask us any questions you like--but remember! We're teaching you, so you get to play too. ;)

We can use your own make up if you like, otherwise we will bring our kit. We can make recommendations as you like and we'll share as many tips as pertain to the look you're trying to accomplish.


We prefer to work on one look per session, to make sure you've got it. We'll provide you with a cheat sheet so you can refer back to it as needed once we're gone.


We can teach one or several of you (the more the merrier) and there's no age limit. 

There will be a time limit, though--depending on the size of your party. We come to you and we only ask for a well lit room with seating and perferrably a mirror.


Contact us for more details.



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